Sunday, July 12, 2009

We're going on Arduino

From the last lab we had a week of accomplishments:

  • we set our hardware to Arduino platform
  • completed on Monday a little programming and testing of the hardware platform
  • decided the final idea of the game
  • and also set Adobe Flash as our interface and display application

The idea of the game remains as presented a week ago. We will have a screen acting as a pressure sensor (composed from at least 9 sensors to be more precise about the user's hit point).
The Arduino board will be linked with the sensors and will provide via USB the signals to the serial port. Flash will be on top, acting as a mix of a Controller of the user's input gathered by the interface and providing the data for the View, thus creating a fully ModelViewController implementation.
The advantages of the MVC will enable us to quickly create an application, easy bug removal and improved User Experience by easy customization of the View.

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