
Build the artificial wall
During the last week , we started building the wall that contains Piezo sensors ,theses sensors are subjected to sense shake or knock actions by generating voltage.
we tried to use simple kind of walls like the white board on the lecture hall , the wooden wall of the lecture hall, during the first experiments , we tried to identify the sensors values that means for example :
Sensor 1 was clicked
or an object hit some place around sensor 1
or sensor 1 was not hit .
unfortunately , experiments showed that almost 70 % of the readings that we got from the sensors through the arduino device was right, so we considered using another alternative,where we put an isloator between this piezo sensor and the wall ,just to eliminate the propogation of shake effect , thus getting a better readings , using this technique enhance the decision correctness,but still not more that 80-85 %.

Now, we are trying to find a new technique that provide us with reliable results ,these technique may include another sensors , or create simple one for this specific application.
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